"Ships of the Desert" near Pyramid Lake, Nevada

Our selection is driven by quality—by what is enduring

Nevada Fine Art LLC is a private, online fine art dealership founded in 2016. We specialize in the sale and purchase of original fine art by historically significant artists of Nevada, California, and the Southwest. We selectively present other exceptional works by notable masters, regardless of genre or origin, that reflect our appreciation and keen eye for quality, workmanship, and historical significance.

Nevada Fine Art owner Russ Lindsay_2017.jpg

Nevada Fine Art owner R. Russ Lindsay is an authority on the life and artwork of Nevada artist Robert Cole Caples. In 2006 Russ successfully nominated Caples’ home and studio in Dayton, Nevada, to the State Register of Historic Places. He later co-curated the traveling exhibition “Robert Cole Caples: Rooted in Nevada” as part of the Nevada Touring Initiative’s Traveling Exhibition Program. He authored the exhibition’s education guide and in 2007 penned the article “Remembering Robert Cole Caples” for the winter edition of the Nevada Historical Society Quarterly (link loads slowly).

Our business philosophy

  • We are committed to fair dealing and complete client satisfaction

  • We believe in fair, honest pricing

  • We are uncompromising on quality and ensure every piece of artwork receives professional conservation treatment as needed before being placed in our inventory

  • We value return clients and enjoy showing our appreciation

Sourcing & Acquisitions

We encourage and appreciate inquiries, and welcome opportunities to source and acquire works privately. Inquiries can be emailed to info@nevadafineart.com

Hans Meyer-Kassel, near Reno, 1938 (Sold)"It’s there in the light-rinsed atmosphere, the brush strokes he permits us to see, up close, for exactly what they are—hand worked flashes of pigment, the very passage of the bristles visible—and then, at a …

Hans Meyer-Kassel, near Reno, 1938 (sold)

"It’s there in the light-rinsed atmosphere, the brush strokes he permits us to see, up close, for exactly what they are—hand worked flashes of pigment, the very passage of the bristles visible—and then, at a distance, the miracle…"

Theo Decker, The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt